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灌籃大賽 White預告今年將成經典
Feb 8th 2013, 03:46

NOWnews – 


曾以一招「罰球線前起跳飛扣」聞名天下的紐約尼克「勁量小白」James White確定獲邀參加2013年NBA灌籃大賽,得知消息後他在Twitter上興奮地說:「有我、Ross、Green,今年灌籃大賽將成為經典!」

灌籃大賽完整參賽名單為多倫多暴龍Terrence Ross、洛杉磯快艇Eric Bledsoe、印第安納溜馬Gerald Green、尼克White、猶他爵士Jeremy Evans、丹佛金塊Kenneth Faried。

Evans是去年灌籃大賽冠軍,決賽最後一扣創意十足,他先換上爵士傳奇「郵差」Karl Malone的32號球衣,用前輩招牌的「帥哥灌籃」動作飛越穿著郵差裝的助手,一舉奪冠。

White高中時就曾辦到跨下換手灌籃,2001年在麥當勞灌籃大賽使出罰球線「前」起跳飛扣,可惜仍敗給現效力金州勇士的David Lee。



(L-R) Boston Celtics' Jason Collins and Brandon Bass watch as Los Angeles Lakers' Dwight Howard goes up for a shot in front of Celtics' Paul Pierce in the first half of their NBA basketball game at TD... 較多 
(L-R) Boston Celtics' Jason Collins and Brandon Bass watch as Los Angeles Lakers' Dwight Howard goes up for a shot in front of Celtics' Paul Pierce in the first half of their NBA basketball game at TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts February 7, 2013. REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi (UNITED STATES - Tags: SPORT BASKETBALL) 較少 

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