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保護王牌 殷雄二月熱身賽「免戰」
Feb 14th 2013, 20:22

自由時報 – 


王建民 今早抵台


包括總教練休瓦特、投手教練阿代爾與防護團隊已取得共識,要讓去年陣中幾名「過勞」的球員休息更長的時間,包括全年投球局數破200(含小聯盟、冬季聯盟)的岡薩雷茲(Miguel Gonzalez)、守護神強森,與膝蓋不適的殷仔,都是這波保護名單的主角,熱身賽開始時,金鶯將不會推出最佳陣容。





BALTIMORE, MD - OCTOBER 08: Wei-Yin Chen #16 of the Baltimore Orioles tips his hat to the crowd as he returns to the dugout after being relieved in the seventh inning during Game Two of the American ... 較多 
BALTIMORE, MD - OCTOBER 08: Wei-Yin Chen #16 of the Baltimore Orioles tips his hat to the crowd as he returns to the dugout after being relieved in the seventh inning during Game Two of the American League Division Series against the New York Yankees at Oriole Park at Camden Yards on October 8, 2012 in Baltimore, Maryland. (Photo by Patrick McDermott/Getty Images) 較少 

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